25 June 2009

McCain v N0bama - vetting process

you know i’m so fed up with the crap i get for wanting to see n0bama’s credentials to be president.  When McCain’s citizenship was put in question early on in the campaign in 2007, he immediately showed his birth certificate, medical records, military records, school records, everything.. to Congress and the Supreme Court, and everyone agreed he was a NATURAL BORN American.  Yet, not ONE person in Congress or the SC EVER asked N0bama for HIS credentials.. and this is why i am upset.. he admits in his book that his mother was 17 and his father was a British citizen.. yet no one asks about his own citizenship at birth.. he refuses to release any school records, refuses to show his registration for the draft, refuses to show a valid birth certificate, nothing, nada, not a single slip of paper that proves he was born here or to American citizen parents.  The only thing we have to prove he is eligible to run for and be president of the United States are his two books.. which state that his father was a British Citizen—which made him a british citizen at birth!!—and that his mother was 17.. also NOT an American Citizen because she had NOT lived continuously for 5 years before his birth, so legally she was not a citizen either.  So NEITHER parent being American Citizens, he was NOT legally a natural-born american, even if he “was” born in Hawaii.  And IF he was born in Hawaii, WHY does he continue to HIDE his birth certificate??  The C.O.L.B. that was posted online by the Huffington Post, FactCheck.org (an organization under ACORN), and other left-wing sites has been PROVEN to be a fraudulent document, manufactured with PhotoShop and using a Mac computer.  To this day, he continues to hide his real birth certificate, using three legal teams and upwards of a million dollars to do so, when a real b.c. from Hawaii costs $15.00!!  WHY???????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Why do the left never question anything he says, just because ‘he’ says it?!?  Why has not one person been able to find his real b.c.??  There is a $100,000 reward out for the real b.c., but not one person has come forward with even a second-rate attempt at showing one.  What, liberals don’t need the money?  I know a lot of conservatives do, myself included, but we can’t find one.. so if the liberals are so sure their ‘messiah’ is a natural-born and not just born-again American, then why can’t they produce a b.c.? And why doesn’t their ‘messiah’ produce his instead of hiding it?!?  These are very simple questions folks, and i really would like an answer before the fascist dictator totally destroys this country that i love so much.  He’s already trashed the Constitution, the rest of us are not far behind.  He’s quadrupled the deficit, quadrupled the budget, when all his campaign promises said he was going to cut everything in half in his first four years.. well if that is his idea of cutting in half, i’d really hate to see how he doubles everything.  I’m fed up with his blaming everything on President Bush, who kept us safe after 9–11, who kept unemployment below 5%, who kept spending below what the liberals and demoncrats wanted it to be, and who History will look back on and prove that #1, he WAS a natural born American and he loved this country!  All History will prove with n0bama is that he was a fascist, communist, socialist, African-born mulatto who HATES this country and all she stands for, and is working his ass off trying to destroy her and rebuild her in ‘HIS’ image—increasing the size of government to the breaking point so he can take over as dictator. 

When will the insanity stop?  Just as soon as enough real Americans wake up and demand to see his birth certificate or anything else he has that will prove he is not natural-born and in so doing, will finally toss his communist ass out of the White House, toss out all his nationalizations of the banks, health care, auto manufacturing, small business, large business, corporate america, the tarp bills, the stimulus packages, the increased taxes on every front, and all his crap he’s moved into my White House.  Send him and his illegal alien family back to Africa where he came from, and let him run that country farther into the ground, and leave mine alone!  He’s done more harm to this country in FIVE months than ANY president EVER in the last 230 years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Wake Up you jackasses and take your country back from this Godless usuper!!!!!!!  What will it take for you to realize how much of a fraud and conman that asshole is?  When he comes in your house and takes everything you worked your entire life for? When he takes your bank account and puts your life in his pocket and tells you what you can and can’t do from now on? Is that what it will take for you to FINALLY ask WHERE he came from??????????  God help us if it takes that long for you to wake up!

God Bless America, or what’s left of her.

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