Well i have 9 eggs in a homemade incubator, and i candled em yesterday and looks like all of them are developing normally. so another two weeks and i should have chicks hatching. Bought a couple buff orpington chicks from a feed store i found out north of town, they hatch a bunch all the time out of their own incubator. I want to start raising aracaunas and delaware’s tho, so i have to order chicks from a hatchery online. will build an extension onto the existing chicken house and fence it off so that they don’t interbreed with the rhode islands and black rocks. *s*
My sister bought a couple duck babies at the flea market over the weekend, so now i have 4 babies i’m raising for the moment. Will be several months before they are big enough to join the rest of the flock.
Update on my girl that died and another i had to put down. Turns out it wasn’t any disease, it was anti-freeze poisoning! My brilliant brother-in-law drained some antifreeze out of my sister’s car and just left it on the ground.. so naturally, my chickens got under there and got enough to make two of them bad sick. A third, “gramma”, got a little of it, but she seems to be recovering. She had some vomit for a couple days, but no paralysis and lethargy like the other two, and she’s eating and drinking normally now. So some good news at least. But i’m down to just 11 girls and Freckles the rooster now.. until my chicks hatch and grow and the new chicks i’ll be ordering come in.
So that’s pretty much it for this week. May God Bless u and keep u safe.