yeah we’ve all felt like this eh!
11 June 2009
OK people, found a great site called TEA PARTY PATRIOTS!! here are folks from all over this great country! sign up takes about 30 seconds and then u can read all the events coming up and find one in ur area! I'll be going to the Wash D.C. march on the 4th of July, i hope many of u will join me, or join a march/event in your area! God Bless!
typical MSM stupidity! Is this female idiot for real? she had been slurried ‘like’ Gov Palin and she survived it? oh yeah, she had letterman call her a slut and her under age daughter was knocked up by a baseball player in the middle of the stadium?? get a grip u bozo.
File Attachment: Media Malpractice Movie - Governor Palin Interview.mp3 (7864 KB)
John’s 16 min interview with Gov Palin.
This is so good! Must Read!
Rush Limbaugh pummels Obama on birth certificate
Radio giant clowns about president's similarities, differences with God
Posted: June 10, 2009
2:38 pm EasternBy Joe Kovacs
© 2009 WorldNetDailyRush Limbaugh
Nationwide attention about President Obama's lack of producing a long-form birth certificate proving his eligibility for office got a boost today when top-rated radio host Rush Limbaugh joked
about the subject in comparing Obama to God.Asking rhetorically what God has in common with Obama, Limbaugh said, "Neither has a birth certificate."
"How do they differ?" Limbaugh continued. "God does not think he's Obama. And there's another difference. Liberals love Obama."
Limbaugh repeated the punch lines several times throughout his show and noted, "another difference is that Obama gets better press. ... Another difference is that God only demands to be
worshiped once a week."Later, he sprinkled in other differences, including:
* God asks for only 10 percent of your money
* God gives you freedom to live your life as you choose
* God's plan to save us is actually written down for you to read
Upon hearing the discussion, one listener in Miami phoned in to tell Limbaugh, "You're acting like you're God."
Where's the proof Barack Obama was born in the U. S. or that he fulfills the "natural-born American" clause in the Constitution? If you still want to see it, join more than 380,000 others and sign up
now!The host responded, "I am better than most people but I don't think I'm God. Obama does. He's got a messianic complex."
Limbaugh commented that left-leaning listeners "can't stand any comedy about Obama."
The comparison to God comes after recent comments by Newsweek editor Evan Thomas, who said on MSNBC's "Hardball" that Obama was "sort of God."
With the exception of extensive coverage by WND, the subject of Obama's eligibility for office based on his birth record has received little, if any, attention from large media outlets.
Limbaugh previously mentioned the birth certificate issue just days before the 2008 election, when Obama's campaign announced the candidate would rush to Hawaii to visit his dying
grandmother, but took several days before actually making the trip. Limbaugh said on Oct. 23:See, I think this is about something else. You know what's really percolating out there? I've been laying low on this because it hasn't met the threshold to pass the smell test on this program.
This birth certificate business, this lawsuit that a guy named Philip Berg filed in Philadelphia in August for Obama to produce his genuine birth certificate and he still hasn't replied. You've got
a deathly ill grandmother, you are going to rush to her side a few days from now, when you first announced this, you're going to rush, you're going to hurry, you're going to make tracks, you're
going to get over there because you don't want your grandmother to die before you got there like your mother did, but somehow you keep campaigning, you take three days to get over there, if
he's left yet, and this birth certificate business, I'm just wondering if something's up. I have no clue, and folks, I'm telling you, this has not reached the threshold until now, and it's popping up all
over the place. There are a lot of people now that are starting to speculate and be curious about this.I don't know, let's say for example that somebody does come up with proof that something's screwy with his birth certificate and something's screwy about the fact that he's allegedly a natural
citizen, American citizen, but may not be, dual citizenship, born in Kenya, who knows, there's all kinds of stuff out – so what? What's going to happen this late in the campaign? Do you think if it's
proven that they're going to dump him? That's not going to happen. But still, these are just questions that I have. And, look, both of my parents have died. When I was told the end was near,
bam, I got there, fast as I could. I didn't announce to the audience, "I just got word my father is said to be passing away and in four or five days I'm going to go to Missouri. In the meantime, I will
not leave you here on this radio program." These are just natural questions. I think any inquisitive reporter – I know the risk I'm running here by raising all this. But I wouldn't be me if I didn't do
that.WND has been reporting since before the election on questions – and lawsuits – raised over Obama's birth and eligibility. He reported in his book he was born in Hawaii and his half-sister
agrees. But the woman the president says is his paternal grandmother, Sarah Obama, claimed to have been present at her grandson's birth in Mombasa, Kenya.
another must read!
We MUST Support these guys!! write to Congress, House of Reps, and Pelosi (crazy bitch), and keep those photos OUT of the press., prevent their release or we all suffer and Americans overseas WILL DIE! Remember, there are a great many CIVILIANS overseas as well, in our Embassy's. Don't think for a minute, that after those pictures are released that the AlQuada lunatics and fanatics are just going to sit on their bombs and play nice!!!! Get real people, prevent these photos from being released!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
God Bless and God help us defeat these fascists who are trying to destroy us. Amen.
Picture Release
God Bless and God help us defeat these fascists who are trying to destroy us. Amen.
OK folks READ this article.. it’s very good!
The world hates U. S.! Um, not quite
By Pete Seat
Times Columnist
Thursday, June 11, 2009Leaders from around the world swung by the Oval Office for a final bilateral meeting with President George W. Bush last fall. Foreign relations practices of the past eight years are being framed by Democrats in a way that would make it is easy to assume each leader was really saying "good riddance" under their breath.
The real story is much different than the current talking points. Let's take a look at the tape.
Following a bilateral meeting, President Ivan Gasparovic of the Slovak Republic said relations between our two countries were at "our highest point."
President John Kufuor of Ghana remarked that "under our watch this relationship has been taken even higher." Panama's President Martin Torrijos commented that bilateral relations "have grown stronger," Kuwait's prime minister said, "Everything is moving very, very well between the two countries," and Prime Minister Manmohan Singh of India offered, "In these last four and a half years, there has been a massive transformation of the India-United States relationship."
Sure sounds like they hate us. They really hate us.
The popular myth perpetuated by those on the Democratic side of the political spectrum is that for the eight years preceding Jan. 20, 2009, the entire world hated the United States. On that day, the sneers of citizens from the other 190-plus countries on this planet turned to collective cheers. A new dawn of international relations was upon us.
I don't profess to be an expert in international affairs, but I can speak to what I saw with my own eyes and heard with my own ears during trips to 23 nations and attendance at presidential meetings with world leaders over the past three and a half years.
It was commonplace to witness thousands of locals as they lined the streets, waving Americans flags, just to see a motorcade drive by. Overflow crowds gathered in the main squares of foreign capitals to see the U. S. president speak -- just as they have for his predecessors and just as they will for his successors.
Never in these instances did anyone say a derogatory word (and this would have been the perfect chance) or say anything that would confirm the suspicions of today's Democrats. Spitting at us and screaming unprintable phrases of disgust would have been expected if you listen to the other side. The wonderful people of these countries would smile, say hello and sometimes even ask for a picture or a souvenir to show their family.
Are there some strained relations? Of course. But do we really care what Hugo Chavez and Fidel Castro have to say? Really? Chavez called President Bush "the Devil" and President Barack Obama an "ignoramus" but now he wants to be BFF with us and pose for pictures to increase his popularity. How quaint.
The campfire tales being spun of renewed international relations are an interesting story, but one that is far from accurate. Respect for the United States was common before Bush's term, during his time in office, and still is today. That has not changed.
Pete Seat, a Schererville native, is former deputy assistant press secretary to President George W. Bush. He can be reached at The opinion expressed in this column is the writer's and not necessarily that of The Times.
published here with permission of Pete Seat. TY Pete. Great Job! Now will u dig around and give us some info on NoBama’s REAL Birth Certificate? Did Pres Bush ever see his REAL B.C.???? I loved G.W., i voted for him as Governor of Texas twice, and i voted both times for him as Pres. He deserved it, he protected me for 7.5 years, he cut taxes, increased my personal income, took care of the veterans and active duty military !!! etc. He did start spending a bit too much at the end, BUT, not nearly as radical and fascist spending as Nobama is now doing. Tripling the debt, Quadrupling the deficit.. what part of cutting those in half doesn’t compute?? that was Nobama’s promise, as well as no new taxes for anyone middle-class— yeah right, well i make just under 15K a year as a disabled veteran and i smoke, occasionally take a drink. Now my smokes have been taxed a full DOLLAR A PACK!, if i want a beer that has been taxed 600% since Nobama took office. I AM MAD DAMMIT! Even though i didn’t vote for that fraud who is not even a natural-born American, but he is there and he’s trying to turn this great country into a socialist Marxist communist country!!!!!! I’m not going to stand for it!!! He MUST show his B.C. and PROVE he is NATURAL BORN, but he WON’T do it!! WHY? WHAT THE HELL IS HE HIDING? IS HE HIDING ALL HIS RECORDS BECAUSE THEY WILL PROVE HE IS NOT A NATURAL-BORN AMERICAN? YES, I THINK SO. HIM, BIDEN, PELOSI AND MOST OF THE CONGRESS AND HOUSE OF REPS SHOULD BE EVICTED FROM D.C. AND GIVEN NO BENEFITS OF ANY KIND!
grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. OK, I've blown off some more steam. thanks for watching. God Bless and take care. Defend the U.S.Constitution!!
I’ve written letters to Pelosi, Congress, and the Governor of OK; here are my responses to their shit. PLEASE write to these idiots and WAKE THEM UP!! They have to STOP stomping on MY rights and do what the U.S.Constitution says to do!! PROTECT Me and the Military, Veterans like me, civilians like you'll, and all AMERICANS!!
That fking FRAUD in the White House has lost his fking mind and he’s PISSING ME OFF! We have to get him OUT of the W.H. now before he damages us any more!!! Write him constantly, several times a day like I'm doing, and make him show us his BIRTH CERTIFICATE!! He is NOT a natural-born American and I want to see the PROOF!, if he thinks he is!! God Save Us, Amen.
**my letter to the Gov of OK**
I am a 53 yr o, female Disabled Veteran. I was raped at the age of 5 by my maternal grandfather, who told me that he would KILL my mother (his own daughter!) if i said anything! I was FIVE YEARS OLD, and i believed him!!!! I never told anyone until i was 15, and by then he was too old to bother with under the 'law'.
Have you NO SHAME in allowing this Judge Bartheld to give a Convicted Child Rapist of a 5-yr o only ONE YEAR in prison?? I've been in 'prison' for the last 48 years and I'll never 'get out'! That convicted pervert Rapist should NEVER get out of prison, and at the very LEAST receive 25-30 years in Hell! How do you sleep at night knowing this is going on? Would u allow this if it happened to YOUR daughter??
You OWE your Oklahoma citizens JUSTICE by the Law! ONE year for raping a FIVE YEAR OLD is insane. Why don't you just put him back on the street, and let real Americans take care of him?, since you, Judge Bartheld, and the D.A. don't give a rat's ass about a CHILD, or her RAPIST.
People like you and the Judge and D.A., make me sick and you will NOT be re-elected if I can do anything to help it. You should all be thrown out on your butts right now, and if i could, I would help the citizens of OK do just that!
So, get off your butt, have this judge thrown off the bench, re-open the case and put that RAPIST away for a compensable amount of time for his crime!
**my letter #2 to Pelosi**
WHERE IS THE OUTRAGE FROM CONGRESS OVER THE MURDER OF PVT LONG? you condemn murder of a baby murdering sadist, but a MILITARY MAN DEFENDING THIS COUNTRY does NOT deserve condemnation and outrage for HIS murder????????
You idiots in Congress have lost your minds, and as YOUR BOSS, I demand that you start doing what I WANT instead of your OWN AGENDAS!!!! This is STILL MY COUNTRY, at least until the fraud BHO is thrown out on his ear as a con-man because he is NOT A NATURAL BORN CITIZEN OF THE USA, and you WILL DO AS I ASK!
STOP this stupidity now! HONOR our VETERANS and ACTIVE-DUTY MILITARY and STOP honoring baby killers!!!!!!!!!!
To do something like that, you are no better than the terrorists you are trying to protect.
Again, AS YOUR BOSS, STOP doing these insane and stupid things and get back on the track of honest working AMERICANS and not the TERRORISTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
**ltr # 1 to Pelosi**
I am a registered Republican American citizen, and i have just one question. HAVE U LOST UR EVERLOVIN MIND???????????
As a disabled Veteran, I can only wonder WHERE ur head is at, that u want to release photos of purported abuse by convicted soldiers. Would u also release autopsy photos of veterans blown up by terrorists? Would u also release all autopsy photos of Pres Kennedy, Sen. Bob Kennedy, Mary Jo Kopeckne, Martin Luther King Jr, Oswald, Jack Ruby, and any other convicted or dead citizen or terrorist? WELL?? How about releasing YOUR family photos so that terrorists can attack and kill YOUR loved ones!!
If u release those photos, that is what you are doing to the active-duty military and the tens of thousands of veterans who have fought to preserve YOUR freedoms! Have you NO COMMON SENSE??????
Unlike that person posing as POTUS who is not a natural-born American, I am!, and you, as Speaker of the House, WORK FOR ME! I demand that you cease and desist immediately this nonsense of releasing those photos! If you do release them, then i want YOU to go to Iraq and Afghanistan and everywhere else our military is stationed at--and tell them personally WHY u felt u had to do it--putting their lives in more jeopardy when they are already in so much danger! And then tell them how stupid they are for fighting for their country, defending the U.S.Constitution, and that it is only a piece of paper, and has no bearing on what is going on today in this government. YOU tell them that, and do it WITHOUT military protection, without Secret Service protection.. you just go out there and defend YOURSELF, because if u kill even ONE military person because of this, YOU can leave this country and hope no one finds you! If you do this, don't think for one minute that you will EVER be protected again. Do u think that someone will take a bullet for u if u put them in jeopardy releasing those photos? Do you have ANY PRIDE in your country or the military or are you just another liberal nut case who thinks we are dispensable and useless??
You go ahead. Release those photos. Try and live with the consequences.
I just wrote a letter to Nancy Pelosi, the nut-case in #3 slot for the presidency (God forbid that happens!). She wants those pictures used in the criminal trials of soldiers who were convicted-released. Here is my ltr, in its entirety.
I am a registered Republican American citizen, and i have just one question. HAVE U LOST UR EVERLOVIN MIND???????????
As a disabled Veteran, I can only wonder WHERE ur head is at, that u want to release photos of purported abuse by convicted soldiers. Would u also release autopsy photos of veterans blown up by terrorists? Would u also release all autopsy photos of Pres Kennedy, Sen. Bob Kennedy, Mary Jo Kopeckne, Martin Luther King Jr, Oswald, Jack Ruby, and any other convicted or dead citizen or terrorist? WELL?? How about releasing YOUR family photos so that terrorists can attack and kill YOUR loved ones!!
If u release those photos, that is what you are doing to the active-duty military and the tens of thousands of veterans who have fought to preserve YOUR freedoms! Have you NO COMMON SENSE??????
Unlike that person posing as POTUS who is not a natural-born American, I am!, and you, as Speaker of the House, WORK FOR ME! I demand that you cease and desist immediately this nonsense of releasing those photos! If you do release them, then i want YOU to go to Iraq and Afghanistan and everywhere else our military is stationed at--and tell them personally WHY u felt u had to do it--putting their lives in more jeopardy when they are already in so much danger! And then tell them how stupid they are for fighting for their country, defending the U.S.Constitution, and that it is only a piece of paper, and has no bearing on what is going on today in this government. YOU tell them that, and do it WITHOUT military protection, without Secret Service protection.. you just go out there and defend YOURSELF, because if u kill even ONE military person because of this, YOU can leave this country and hope no one finds you! If you do this, don't think for one minute that you will EVER be protected again. Do u think that someone will take a bullet for u if u put them in jeopardy releasing those photos? Do you have ANY PRIDE in your country or the military or are you just another liberal nut-case who thinks we are dispensable and useless??
You go ahead. Release those photos. Try and live with the consequences.
(name not shown here, but i did put it in the letter)
so what ya think? too strong? limp-wristed? prophetic or just rhetoric? you be the judge.
10 June 2009
this moron is really unbelievable.. he made sooooooo many promises, that the moronic sheep who actually believed him are now finding out.. it was a scam, a con, a fraud, a most demonic demonstration of Marxism and fascism ever seen in our lifetime. I’m so proud i DIDN’T VOTE for this asshole, and i still do NOT believe he is a natural-born American. WHERE IS HIS BIRTH CERTIFICATE??? You know WHY he won’t show it to us?? cuz he was NOT BORN HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
wake up America! you’re being screwed without a kiss! God Bless.
Here’s a great poll to take.. would u confirm sotomayor for SCoTUS if u had that option? heehee. so far.. 92% say NO.. 3% no sure.. sheez, can’t those people use their heads for anything besides a hat rack? 5% would confirm her.. idiotic morons.
God Bless America and me.
still reading all the tweets on twitter about Mr. Voight. Unreal. Those left wing loons are calling him a nut because he says what he thinks, believes in what he thinks, and he’s an actor. they are saying they’ll never watch him again blah blah blah.
well what about all their left-wing actors who do the same thing but are FOR obama? It’s ok for them to go around blessing their ‘god’ and kissing his ass and washing his feet, but not for anyone else? does anyone else see the hypocrasy here?? what is wrong with this picture?
just like that stupid perez hilton guy when he called Miss California a “stupid bitch” because she believes in man/woman marriage , that gays can not get “married” and she was vilified by all the MSM and even the women’s rights groups ignored her!! I am so glad the Donald stood by her, i never really cared for the man personally, but he’s standing by his own convictions also, and supporting EVERYONE, regardless of what they think politically. God Bless u Donald.
Watch Mr. Jon Voight in action and his entire speech last nite at the GOP convention.. this is a MUST SEE video!!!!!!!
FINALLY — a prominent american citizen who does NOT have wool on his eyes and looking thru snow-colored glasses! He speaks the truth! and of course, the blogs, twitter, are bashing him for speaking the truth. i replied to a lot of them, but my fingers are sore! lol. there are just as many FOR him though on twitter, which i find refreshing!
you know i have a suggestion to those poll taker organizations.. why don’t u put ur polls on TWITTER?? at least then, u’d get a REAL percentage of what REAL americans think about the obamanation and his fascist nationalists.
GOD bless America, GOD bless Jon Voight!
09 June 2009
u gotta read this latest info on the faked c.o.l.b. that barry soetoro posted as his ‘birth certificate’..
this fraud is getting so insane.. can NO ONE challenge him without getting their fingers cut off? WHY is this fraud allowed to remain in the white house?? I am more eligible to run and be President than B.S. does.. WHY won’t anyone challenge this issue? Why does Bumbling Idiot Bob refuse to answer the question? WHY does B.S. refuse to answer the question and show proof that he is a NATURAL-BORN AMERICAN??????? Because he CAN’T.. he was born in KENYA.. and that makes him a far-cry from NATURAL-BORN AMERICAN, as is written IN THE CONSTITUTION and was a paramount requirement of our Founding Fathers! There is a major reason that requirement is the FIRST on the list to run for the office of President.. to keep out FOREIGNERS from screwing up our government and country.. and yet, that is EXACTLY what that fraud in the White House is doing—AND NO ONE WILL QUESTION HIM!!
Well, i have been questioning him. He works for ME, and i’ve been sending daily questions to his twitter’s.. @whitehouse and @barackobama, asking him, WHERE IS YOUR BIRTH CERTIFICATE?? so far of course, NO ANSWER, which doesn’t surprise me in the least, and so far he hasn’t blocked me yet.. but i will let u know this. If he does block me, then i will take my story to the press.. fox probably, since they are the only news org that is NOT in his pocket, and i will be heard! Until that fraud/conman can prove he is a natural-born american, he will NEVER be my president! And since he CAN’T prove he is natural-born, because he was NOT born in america or any of it’s territories, by American Citizens (notice the plural-BOTH parents have to be citizens), he is NOT and NEVER WILL be a natural-born american!
08 June 2009
Everyone must read Ann’s column this week about Tiller the Baby Killer.. i am so disgusted by these media crooks who keep glorifying that man’s life.. yet not ONE word about the Private Long who was murdered by a muslim zealot.. a converted muslim zealot no less, having trained in an Alquida (can never spell that right) training camp for death soldiers. What is SO bloody wrong with this picture??