got this link from one of my groups, it is a blast! have fun!
huggggggggglez and God Bless.
got this link from one of my groups, it is a blast! have fun!
huggggggggglez and God Bless.
has been a bad few weeks.. arthur has been givin me fits, had tests for bladder cancer – turns out i don’t have it.. whew.. but a possum has been eating my girls, have lost 5 of them in the last two weeks.. 6 including Stumpy.. damm critter pulled her thru her cage and chewed her neck off
she was gittin big enough to put in with the older hens too, i’d been letting her out during the day and she was getting along with them pretty good. She was just starting to feather out nicely too.. looked just like her daddy, Freckles. Soooo.. now i have none of freckles’ babies living, and my good layin hens are disappearing rapidly.. doubt i’ll have enough to even raise any babies next year at this rate.. damm possum keeps eating my best girls, the young ones i’ve been raising since march. sigh.. oh well..
got some emails from my daughter, she sent pics of my grandsons.. they are gittin soooo big.. i’m posting one here for ya’ll.. she’s busy working in LA and MS right now, helping the hurricane folks git their electric back on and such. Thank God that Hurricane Rita missed Corpus like it was headed for, so my grandsons are doing ok and didn’t have to evacuate.
these are my ‘boys’.. they are growing so fast! well that’s all the news i have for now.. got a ton of uploading to do to my server, have gotten some new progs i need to backup
huggggggglez and God Bless.