well has been a long week.. had a major bad bladder/kidney infection, pnuemonia from that, and general crapiness.. went to emergency room tues mornin with 102 fever.. yuck.. they were going to keep me, but talked them into letting me go home if they could get my fever down.. so they pumped me full of fluids and drugs and after 3 hours, it finally came down a couple degrees.. gave me more antibiotics to take at home and got home another 2 hrs later — groggy and having to pee like a racehorse.. laffin.. able to breath better now, not coffing as much, and getting more sleep than i have in weeks. On a good note.. had another chick hatched on the 11th, just before midnite. Another female, but this one has a problem. Seems there is another chick inside this chick.. she has a large lump on her bottom with whut looks like a nubbin sticking out of her underside.. this mite have been a double yolk egg and the ‘twin’ has absorbed inside this chick. Dont know if she’s gonna make it or not, can only pray and hope. If she does survive, which so far she’s doing fine, can only guess at what God’s plan for her is.. maybe not to be an egg-layer, but just a companion for me. She is so cute, even if she does have a problem walking around much.. she’s eating and drinking good and growing fast. here’s some pictures i took the day she hatched and a couple days ago.
this was right after hatching 
and this was on Tuesday afternoon 
isn’t she beautiful? her underside is all white, and top side is turnin a golden orange.. so haven’t figured out who her mother was yet.. her father, Freckles, is pleased as punch.. lol.. u should see him strut when i take his babies outside 
hope ur having a great week! God Bless Always.