01 June 2009

something he’s not going to get away with.. IF he ever does show his citizenship papers, you will see that this fraud was a british subject, born in Kenya Africa, adopted by an Indonesian subject, raised a muslim until his teens, re-entered the USA illegally, was not naturalized, went to school and got his law degree under Indonesian documents (giving him a break being a foreign student), etc.  There are so many ways this fraud is NOT natural-born, that i get hoarse repeating them!  Get those stupid white house press corp reporters to ALL ask where his USA documents are, and Gigglin Bob won’t be gigglin no-mo’e.  God Bless.

31 May 2009

The "Certification of Live Birth" posted online and widely touted as "Obama's birth certificate" does not in any way prove he was born in Hawaii, since the same "short-form" document is easily obtainable for children not born in Hawaii. The true "long-form" birth certificate – which includes information like the name of the birth hospital and attending physician – is the only document that can prove Obama was born in Hawaii, but to date he has not permitted its release for public or press scrutiny.

Oddly, though congressional hearings were held to determine whether Sen. John McCain was constitutionally eligible to be president as a "natural born citizen," no controlling legal authority ever sought to verify Obama's claim to a Hawaiian birth.


The address was embedded in the previous article i posted, but i forgot to put it in when i pasted it., so here it is now.  Please, go and sign, the more signatures the better, so we can get this fraud out of the White House!


Finally gittin action!!

american grand jury
obama indictment

Status: ONLINE and State Grand Juries:
April 29th concluded, Indictment handed down
May 9th concluded, Indictment handed down

May 16h concluded, Indictment handed down
May 23rd concluded, Indictment handed down
May 30th concluded, Indictment handed down
Lone Star State GJ Texas concluded, Indictment handed down
Arkansas State GJ concluded, Indictment handed down

Upcoming June schedule:
June 6th, registered and filled
Tennesee Grand Jury, registered, a couple of openings, almost ready to go
June SUPER Grand Jury, HUGE — details private at this time — completely registered and filled

It looks like AKA is having problems with his public announcement system again. In an attempt to quell the rising tide of anger and disgust from citizens wanting to know where’s the proof of Obama’s “natural born” citizenship, White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs’ recent response to a question on the President’s birth certificate tried to laugh it off. Well, it is no laughing matter and now a FoxNews discussion is having a field day with the comments section. It looks like AKA is getting closer and closer to pucker time! :-)

The RightSideofLife has the full story here. The details include responses from Dr. Ron Polarik and Attorney Mario Apuzzo. This article covers most of the well known facts and details surrounding the alleged guilt of Barack Obama.

We at American Grand Jury hear what the people are saying and have charged Obama with “presentments” of guilt. On Satruday, May 30th at 2:30 pm, the convened Grand Jury handed down the YES votes of 31 members, unanimous, to INDICT Barack Obama with the “presentments” of Fraud and Treason.

The May 30th voting has been formally attested to and verified. The “presentments” will be reduced to writing within the next few days for distribution to the court system throughout the land. To date, American Grand Jury has sponsored approximately 70 serves on different courts, sheriffs, Districk Attoneys, Attorney Generals, judges and other officials around the United States. The word is spreading that we mean business and are not going to stop with these presentments until the Court system does their job of formally prosecuting Obama.

The people of the United States have the right to know who this man really is that is living in the White House. Right now it looks like AKA is a Foreign National “play-acting” as the Commander-in-Chief and President. Obama contiunes to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars with legal firms to hide his birth certificate, passport records, school records, selective service records, campaign contribution records and God knows what else.

You know what they say, “the bigger they are, the harder they fall.”

Thanks for stopping by,

Bob Campbell
American Grand Jury