18 October 2008

did u know?

now THIS is scary stuff!  i had no idea that illegals could VOTE when allowed to get a driver’s license! i guess that would make sense, though, because now they have a license to drive, they are ‘legal’ in this country.. and entitled to all the benefits of being a citizen without actually being a citizen!! It’s outrageous!! this has to be stopped!!!

listen to this!

Political Interviews with 'obomba' supporters..

link is also here —->  On The Street Interviews with Obama Supporters

this is so sad really.  these nutcases all say they will vote for Obama on 4 Nov.. but all the questions they answered.. support MCain!!  They even asked point-blank if Sarah Palin would make a good vp for Obama.. and all of them said YES! granted, this is only 3 of don’t know how many they interviewed ‘on the street’ , but if this is any example at all about NoBombUs’ supporters then we are in grave danger!

Huggggggglez and God Bless!

Greg-a-Logue, 17 Oct 08

i just love Greg Gutfeld on Red-Eye.  Other than Bill Oreilly, he is one of a VERY few news commentators that ever gets ‘it’ right.  here is his views on NoBombus..

quote”So Obama thinks that Fox News has cost him a few points in the polls – even saying that if he watched the network, he wouldn`t vote for himself either. Now, I`m not here to say Obama`s wrong. I actually think Fox News does go after him – a lot. But someone has to.

For the past three decades, every network has been uniformly the same: heart-bleedingly liberal. Nearly every damn magazine, newspaper and after school special spits out the same left wing assumptions – rich people bad, poor people good, America evil – as though they are suffering from a Marxist version of Tourette`s. And Obama is everything they want in a nice, neat package.

That's why today every anchor wants to crawl into bed with Barack, as every coddled pop singer offers their services for free to the Messiah. And there`s the late night comedians, who hammer Republicans seven times more often than Dems. It`s a golden rule: It doesn`t have to be funny if it`s easy.

But despite all this, you still have people whining in their soiled diapers about Fox News – just because it`s the one news network that refuses to comply with an overarching liberal theocracy. You`ve got celebrity cretins like Tim Robbins, watchdog weenies like Media Matters and cry baby cranks like Keith Olbermann getting worked up to the point of seizure – because we make them uncomfortable. I say to all of you: Stop being a bunch of pussies and be happy you pretty much own the air waves.

And as for you Obama, stop acting like a kid who complains to the principal because a teacher gave you a 98 instead of a perfect grade. Be thrilled with having the entire media - except us - in the tank for you. Seriously, you don't need blind obedience among everyone with a laminated I. D to win.

So Obama, if you`re expecting people here to kiss your ass, you`ll need to head over to MSNBC. I hear there`s a guy over there with a thrill up his leg dying to give you a sponge bath.

And if you disagree with me, then you sir are worse than Hitler.”/un quote.

Huggggggggggglez and God Bless!

15 October 2008


wondering how this works, adding music to a post.. *g*.. u can download this i think.. is a really kewl song, back in the ‘day’ when songs actually had meaning.. laffin.. like Louie Louie, Whip it!, and many others that the kids today think are crap. what do they know eh? *grinz* enjoy!

VOTE MCCAIN/PALIN ON 4 NOV 08!!!  Keep a facist, racist, terrorist muslin OUT of the highest office of this country!

My opinion on the economy and the $700B rescue package.

Why is our government bothering with buying back 'our' stocks and bonds etc, to save our economy?  They can do it much faster and much cheaper than spending 700 billion dollars we don't have! How about this.. give every American.. man, woman, child born before 6 Oct 2008.. 3 million dollars.. outright, no taxes, no questions, no guff.   The IRS has everyone's bank account number, they can give the money to them directly, everyone else, they can mail them a check based on what they filed on their taxes.  What would this do u ask?  Well, how about giving the FOLKS the money to pay off their mortgages.. or buy homes they couldn't afford.. hmm. That would sure heal up the housing market with a huge boost.. the FOLKS could also buy a new car.. because we know Detroit is the next 'crisis' coming.. wow, that would heal the sagging automotive industry in THIS country.  And with the rest of their money.. they can go buy stocks THEY want, buy more consumer goods, pay off all their credit card bills, etc.  and what would that do u ask?  Well, the stock market would be stronger, businesses would show a major increase in sales/profits, so they could hire more people to handle all the extra work (creating jobs), the credit card companies would have to lower their interest rates and make them more competitive instead of gouging people who can't pay their gas, electric, and food bills and with any luck at all, drive credit cards out of business altogether.  You have to look at that as a good thing.  Become a cash-only country, which would mean stop giving our money to foreign aid.. if the FOLKS want to give to Africans and Pakistanis and starving kids in Ethiopia, then let them!  But the U.S.A. as a 'COUNTRY' should not be supporting all the little guys with one hand out to us and using the other to point  a gun at us!!  And if our politicians that we have stupidly elected can not figure this out, then it's time to vamp our electoral process.  For too long now, our political economy has been overridden with corruption, apathy, and avarice.  The founding fathers certainly had no idea America would grow as it has, nor did they have a clue how corrupted government would become.. this is evident in 'who' the founding fathers were.. racists, bigots, slave-owners. 

I just thought someone should bring up this idea, since all anyone wants to do is spend 'our' money, so why not give it back to the people who gave it to begin with??

have a good day! Huggggggggggz and God Bless!

12 October 2008

another month, another dollar

well some good and some bad news this time.  finally got a decision from the VA.. denied again! argh.. more bad news is i haven’t been able to contact my attorneys on this case.. no answer to phone calls or email.. don’t know what the f* is going on with them.. sigh.

the good news is i had my bladder hammock surgery and all went very well.  couldn’t tinkle on my own though, so had to wear a bag home.. but it comes out on thursday, 16th, and hopefully, i’ll be able to tinkle on my own by then.  if not, they are gonna show me how to self-catherterize.. yuck.  so gonna drink LOTS of water, tea, etc before my appointment and hopefully have a full bladder by the time they take my bag off.

My daughter has surgery coming up on Tuesday, 14th, on her knee.  am praying she gets through it ok, she has a problem with her blood K factor is too high, so she has to take blood thinners.. which can be dangerous during surgery, it’s possible she could bleed out.  but she’s a strong kid and should get through it hunky dory.   please keep her in ur prayers tho. 

that’s it for now.  the cats are still doin great, they are staying fat and happy, and now that the weather is cooling off even more, they seem to be waiting for the snow!! they’ve never seen it before of course, neither has mr nibbles, so it will be a treat for them.

Huggggggggggglez and God Bless!