well she finally gave birth! Buddy was on my lap at 0330, 21 July, when her water broke.. the first baby started showing shortly after but was breech, so spent the next six hours trying to get it back in and out of the birth canal so it would turn around.. it didn’t turn around, but did get out of the way and Baby #1 was born at 1330 normal presentation! Breech came out 2nd, at 1425. Mama was cleaning them and taking care of them very well. Finally about 0030, 22 July, Baby #3 joined the family. Sadly, about 0400, Baby #4 was still-born and could not be revived. cry. But mom and family is doing great and all the babies appear healthy. All are eating and mom is taking good care of them. I’ll bury baby 4 in a few hours, after the sun comes up. Here are a few pics for ya to enjoy!

20 July – babies are very active! hard to get any rest with all the kicking going on in there! *smile*

Baby #1 , 1330, 21 July 07.

mom exhausted, babies 1 and 2 (under head is breech-Tipper). Named the breech Tipper cuz i accidently pulled off the tip of his/her tail when i was trying to get her out.. can’t hardly tell the tip is gone, will grow over in a couple days.

All 3 babies, getting milk.