It’s just amazing to me how time flies so fast these days.. is already Sept and i haven’t posted anything here in two months! wow. Not that there is much to tell. My sister is still staying drunk and/or stoned on crack every other day, left 16 hateful nasty messages on my cell phone, so i had to change my number again. She’s lost her mind totally this time, and i don’t really think she’ll ever get back to ‘normal’. I know it’s the drugs and her high blood pressure, and she won’t go to a doctor, so every day her brain is frying more and more.. like the egg in those drug commercials.. I keep her in my prayers that God will get the Devil off her back, but so far, he still has a powerful grip on her.
Anyway, back to here. Haven’t done much sight-seeing yet, but after i get through with all my doctor appointments at the VA, i hope to be able to get out more soon. I have a minor surgery scheduled for next month, and that will, i hope, fix a problem i have with going anywhere far from a bathroom.
My daughter had her 32nd birthday couple weeks ago. She’s doing much better since her surgery and no sign of any more cancer. She finally got a divorce from her ex and has shared custody of her boys. They are getting so big! I have some new pic to post on their web sites and i’ll do that soon. My oldest gson, Charlie, now has his own MySpace, and he’s having a blast setting it up and such with a lot of help from his mom of course. Now he can keep in touch with all his school friends online when he’s not in school. Seems most of his 2nd grade class is on MySpace.. laffin. They grow up so fast!
well, tis all for now. Keep emailing me those great poems, jokes and of course, all the political stuff! I’m glad JMc picked a woman for his vp, so far i think she has all the ‘right’ stuff!
only two more months to get them elected, so make sure u vote in November!!!!! Huggggggglez and God Bless!