well i got some extra cash and i finally was able to buy a new server! fed up with iicinternet constantly screwing up, so after 10 yrs, i’ve moved on. so give me a week or so to get all the pages and programs moved to the new site okie dokes? most of the pages are working now, but i’m busy busy moving all the HUGE progs and such, and that will take a while. I have about 50 Gigs of stuff to move, so you’re gonna have to be patient! *grin*.. for those who have access to some of my private pages, u know what i’m talking about
Hope everyone had a great 4th of July! I went downtown to D.C. and did some sight-seeing. Was a great parade, but i couldn’t see much of it, cuz i was in my roomie’s scooter and was too far back to see over the crowd on the street. Had some great bands though and some really nice floats that i could see through the ‘cracks’ in the crowd. Then i went thru the White House visitor center, and that was really kewl. They did a re-enactment of the signing of the Declaration of Independance, and had the audience act out certain folks. It was fascinating. I was going to go thru the National Aquarium, but.. it costs 7 bucks to get in and all there are is about 30 small aquariums with guppies and such in em.. nutty.. so i skipped that.
Went into the Ronald Reagan Building, but it’s mostly just offices and such.. although they have a really nice atrium that is so huge!!!! And a food court that puts any ‘mall’ court to shame.
I had my first Sabrett hotdog! yummm.. they really are good and I have to say it was as good or better than my fav brand, Ball Park.
that’s it for now.. ya’ll be good! Vote in November.. it’s important!!!!! Vote Republican or i’ll hate u forever.. LOL.. j/k. Huggggglez and God Bless U!