another video on fluoride.
27 December 2008
WOW, i never knew this about fluoride!! You REALLY need to listen to this video!!!!!!
here is another video where it poisoned and killed 6 horses in Colorado, as well as 4 of their dogs, after the city added fluoride to the water supply..
frightening stuff. i never realized any of this. A good friend of mine here in Maryland has 8 cats, so far 6 of them have cancer and luekemia in various stages, 4 have died. I’m going to tell her about this immediately!! I had been on well water in florida for the last 10 years, but after moving up here to Maryland, i have noticed some decline in my health.. it has to be the fluoride in the water! You can bet i’ll be talking to my doc next week to be tested for fluoride poisoning! Happy New Year folks!
24 December 2008
The new monitor will be here on Tuesday!! weeeeeee.. waiting on FedEX to bring my new baby! Just in time for the new year! I got a wonderful Christmas card today with 40 bucks in it! now aint that super nice! I’m going to have a very nice Christmas after all. Tom bought me a turkey, so i’ll have a nice turkey dinner tomorrow while he’s with his nephew and family. This will be my first year in 10 that i haven’t been around my own family, so it was going to be a dorker, but now it will be nice. Michelle’s 14th birthday is next Wednesday, and David will be 18 in May 09!! I’ll finally be able to contact my kids again.. get new pictures and such. Since Su kept my photo album of my babies and my grandsons out of nastiness, i know all she’ll get this year is coal in her stocking. she was really nasty and mean this year. so sad really. i keep her in my prayers just the same, but she needs divine intervention for 2009. I pray she gets off the crack and turns her life around so she can be happy again.
God Bless u all, and Merry Christmas!!
22 December 2008
Bought a new monitor on EBay other day… mite be here by Saturday, which would be really kewl. It’s a 19incher by Dell, widescreen, flatscreen (the really thin kind!) and can swivel all around, up, down, and sideways so u can read whole pages without having to scroll sideways.. grin.. i’m gonna love that part! has 1000:1 video ratio which is the highest i’ve seen for the price i bought it for.. 130 bucks. my old viewsonic is about to bite the dust, so i needed to get a replacement fast. the great thing is free shipping on the monitor, so 130 total is a great deal!
i am sooooo adicted to ebay!! laffin. Here’s the stock pic of it. i’ll take an actual pic of the one that gets here, when i get it set up and working.