yeeeehaw., finally bought a new computer!.. will be delivered on the 10th of July.. its a barebones 3.06 gig mb/chip, 450w ps, and a really pretty case! hehehe.. i’ve got all new parts to go in it, and hopefully my 1 gig memory chip will actually show as a gig now instead of 512 like this old piece of shit does now.. here’s a pic of my new system.. aint it kewwwwwl! and blue too, my favorite color.. lol..
has a digital temperature on the front that is adjustable without having to boot into the bios to check the temp etc.. and the bubble lites will act like a nitelite for me.. lol. sooo, i’m not gonna be online much till i get the new system and get all my drives and such put in it and get it booted up. Wish me luck! having had to deal with this piece of shit i’ve had for 3 yrs that has NEVER worked like it was sposed to, it will be such a pleasure to have a machine that actually works!! huggggglez, God Bless, and Happy 4th of July!