Breitbart Editor Ben Shapiro: We're Going to Vet Obama Except His Forged Selective Service Card - YouTube
WE'RE COMING FOR U ASSWIPE!! UR DAYS ARE NUMBERED AS POTUS U COMMIE TRAITOR!!!!!!!! I do have to disagree with Ben on a major point tho.. the BIRTH ISSUE is NOT a non-sequitor! Once it is proven that the commie in MY White House is NOT a natural-born american.. then EVERYTHING he's fked up since the dayhe took office (illegally) will be THROWN OUT! AND.. Biden will be thrown out on his ass as well, since he helpedperpetuate the FRAUD on the Constitution!!! Which will make John McCain the TRUE President of the United States,since the election was a FRAUD!!!!! John Boehner will be 'acting' president, until a new election has to be held in60 days from the day the COMMIE and His buddies are thrown out!!.. at which time the McCain/Palin ticket willWIN against the previous LEGAL DNC candidate of B-illary Clinton and whoever she chooses to be her runningmate are officially thrown into the pot. What a great vindication it will be for those of us who have been screamingfor the last 3 yrs that the election was a fraud!! Both the liberal judges the assshole put on the Supreme Court cancrawl back to their biased holes in the ground, all the money given out to shysters and commie friends of the Traitorhas to be returned IMMEDIATELY, all the BAILOUTS have to be nullified and immediately rectified, all the bogusbills he signed, all the staff he appointed, all those commie helpers he hired--will be ALL GONE!!!!!!!! Kicked out on theirproverbial asses!!!!!!!!!! I keep praying for that day and hope it happens SOON, before the anti-Christ can fuck upmy country any worse than he already has!

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