I’ve been adding a lot of programs and such to my Progs page, so if u haven’t visited my site for a while, u mite wanna take a look http://rosiewolf.com/Progs/ I have a really nice 3D Merry Christmas screen saver at the top of the list u mite want. I scan everything with Kaspersky AVirus, the latest versions and updated several times a day, so nothing has a bug in it. Enjoy!
13 December 2005
09 December 2005
Signature Tickers!
This is a kewl site (ignore all the fertility stuff – lol) and make a ticker type signature for ur web pages, bulletin boards, etc!
08 December 2005
Wow long time
hadn’t realized it had been so long since i posted here. So much and yet so little going on. Lots of small personal crisis’, but nothing that can’t be handled with time.
December has always been a depressing month for me, but more so in the last 3 years. The 3rd anniversary of my mom’s death is the 27th and we still don’t know where her ashes are. My youngest daughter will be 11 years old on the 31st.. where does the time go?? My oldest daughter is 29 now.. my grandsons are six and five.. and i’ll be 50 next month.. yuckkk.. most days i don’t feel that old.. mentally at least.. laffin.. physically is another matter entirely.
Just finished another 5–wk series of shots in knees for the arthritis. They are bone-dry, literally, from Arthur.. hurts to walk, sit, or do anything really.. ache all the time and when walking without my braces, i have a tendency to fall down, so i have to use my cane all the time.. don’t use it in the house much, cuz i have furniture and walls to lean on for support, but anywhere else if i don’t have it, i don’t get around very well. Hopefully tho, with the knee shots every six months, i’ll keep out of a wheelchair or ‘scooter’ for a few more years yet. The VA won’t replace my knees cuz they say i’m too ‘young’ and until the arthritis eats em up entirely, replacing them won’t do any good.. arthur would just eat what is left of the bones and the replacements wouldn’t have anything to hold on to.. so they have to wait until i can’t walk anymore before they’ll do anything.. oh well.
hope everyone has a good holiday season. Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanza, and a general Happy Holidays to all. Huggggggglez
20 October 2005
well now i know why arthur has been giving me so much hell… Hurricane Wilma is heading our way .. told my sister few days ago we had a big storm coming, i just didnt know when..and then comes wilma.. from ts to hurricane in 12 hours.. go figure..lol.. will still miss us by a few hundred miles, but close enough to get a lot of rain an prolly some wind.. everything is so dry this month, the ground will soak it right up, no worries
my sister never doubts me anymore when i tell her a storm is coming.. i’ve been right (well arthur has LOL) 100% of the time in the last 2 years.. and as bad as i was hurtin this last week, i knew it was a huge storm on its way..and that’s what wilma is turning out to be.. once she hits the gulf water, she’s gonna build up again, and wipe out the southern half of florida.. folks down there are evacuating already, they aren’t waiting till the last minute.. gas stations are running out of gas already.. this is the 2nd evacuation in a month.. think they are gittin tired of it? lol
have a good week! huggggggggggglez
16 October 2005
Arthur has been giving me real hell lately.. has moved down into my ankles, which makes my wobblinghobbling walk even more painful.. we have a big storm moving in soon, even tho the weatherman says no.. but what do they know.. arthur has always predicted major storms and this week has been hell on me.. neck, back, knees, ankles.. all killin me, pain level at 10 24/7.. takin extra pain killers hasn’t helped at all.
On the home front, haven’t lost any more chickens since one of the tenants cats has been banned from here.. we thought it was a possum, but turns out, it was the cat killing my chickens.. damm animal killed 5 of my best layers as well as Stumpy. Will shoot the little buzzard they ever bring it back here. He’s a purty cat, but killing my chickens is his death sentence!!!! I spend a lot of money on my ‘girls’ and not about to have some damm cat having them for lunch!
Ok, i’m back to work on new graphics now. tired of the graphics on some of my pages, so going to be doing a lot of updating in the next week . Have a great Halloween and don’t let the spooks get ya!! hehehehe.
03 October 2005
Haunted House
got this link from one of my groups, it is a blast! have fun!
huggggggggglez and God Bless.
has been a bad few weeks.. arthur has been givin me fits, had tests for bladder cancer – turns out i don’t have it.. whew.. but a possum has been eating my girls, have lost 5 of them in the last two weeks.. 6 including Stumpy.. damm critter pulled her thru her cage and chewed her neck off
she was gittin big enough to put in with the older hens too, i’d been letting her out during the day and she was getting along with them pretty good. She was just starting to feather out nicely too.. looked just like her daddy, Freckles. Soooo.. now i have none of freckles’ babies living, and my good layin hens are disappearing rapidly.. doubt i’ll have enough to even raise any babies next year at this rate.. damm possum keeps eating my best girls, the young ones i’ve been raising since march. sigh.. oh well..
got some emails from my daughter, she sent pics of my grandsons.. they are gittin soooo big.. i’m posting one here for ya’ll.. she’s busy working in LA and MS right now, helping the hurricane folks git their electric back on and such. Thank God that Hurricane Rita missed Corpus like it was headed for, so my grandsons are doing ok and didn’t have to evacuate.
these are my ‘boys’.. they are growing so fast! well that’s all the news i have for now.. got a ton of uploading to do to my server, have gotten some new progs i need to backup
huggggggglez and God Bless.
20 September 2005
Halloween is comin!
got this link in email, and like a dummy.. was playing it, and thot.. wow, what a nice site.. teaches u how to carve pumpkins.. then i got blasted! lol.. have fun with it! huggggggglez
19 August 2005
oh well
had to turn comments off again.. have been getting spammed. such crap that some people can’t leave others alone. same with my phone, i never answer it, unless i know who it is.. damm telemarketers.. i’m on the DO NOT CALL list, but they manage to sneak in their damm calls anyway.. oh well, something we have to live with i guess.
hope ur all safe from the latest notob bug that has been making the rounds. have a good week! hugggggggggglez
11 August 2005
well not much has been going on, has been rather boring actually. we finally got some good rain over the weekend, couple big storms.. had been dry for a couple weeks and u could sure tell it. need some hurricanes to bring some more rain one of the old dead oaks in front of my place finally fell the other day. have been expecting it to fall for last 3 yrs but it somehow stayed up.. then we get a couple inches of rain, no wind, and boom.. down it comes.. go figure. laffin. hope u’ve had a great month!
14 July 2005
another dollar
this damm thing crashes again and i’m tossing it out the damm front door!.. i think the majority of my troubles has been the old modem i had, it kept feeding back into the computer and screwing things up.. luckily.. saved two of my major partitions which had disappeared but got them to reappear when i wiped out the first hd .. again.. sigh.. am such an expert at this now, i can zero format/renew the mbr and get everything reinstalled in 24 hrs.. laffin..
found a kewl new site that does so many cutzie little things.. here is an example of one i made.. laffin.. enjoy and have a great week!
hugggggggggglez and GBU.!
07 July 2005
Another day
another format.. i am really hating winxp.. uncrashable my ass!! LOL one of these days, the assholes who keep screwing up xp will get a clue. and rot in Hell! oh well, getting rid of the old installation (which was a whole week old) and cleaning out my programs fixed a lot of problems.. this time i’m not going to install the stupid updates cuz they are the bain of most of the problems with xp.. they don’t fix anything, they jes screw it up worse.
things around the homestead are doing well otherwise. Lacy, the smallest turkey, died the other day.. she weighed 40 lbs and we cremated her on the burn pile. She’d been sick for a while, wouldn’t leave the chicken pen and eat or drink anything. I think she caught a cold from all the rain and then the muggy heat that would follow, and she just couldn’t recover. Mickie and Lucy are still doing well and laying eggs and seem to be fine. I buried Little Rosie, Freckles first baby, under my front tree, so she can fertilize all my plants there. She was such a good pet. Stumpy is doing great, she cuddles with Mr Nibbles all the time, i think she thinks she’s a rabbit instead of a chicken. lol
Have a great week!
30 June 2005
Sad News
25 June 2005
i hate this pos!!
well in trying to tweak windows xp, it fked up.. again.. i swear i’m gittin to be a damm good expert at making this stupid thing crash.. think i’ll save myself a couple hundred bucks every month and just throw it in the trash and stay offline for about six months.. lol.. yeah right, like i wouldnt go crazy if i did that
gettin over the infections and the pneumonia finally.. still tired and worn out, but trying to get as much rest as possible. hugggggggggglez and GBU.
16 June 2005
Shadows Anniversary
just realized that today is the 1 yr anniversary since my cat, Shadow passed. I still think of her a lot and miss her always. Even though she was only in my life a short time, she made a major impression. She was the perfect companion and friend. If only humans would strive to be half the friend she was, no one in this world would be lonely or sad. huggggggglez and GBU.
Shadow, taken in May 2004.
What a week its been :)
well has been a long week.. had a major bad bladder/kidney infection, pnuemonia from that, and general crapiness.. went to emergency room tues mornin with 102 fever.. yuck.. they were going to keep me, but talked them into letting me go home if they could get my fever down.. so they pumped me full of fluids and drugs and after 3 hours, it finally came down a couple degrees.. gave me more antibiotics to take at home and got home another 2 hrs later — groggy and having to pee like a racehorse.. laffin.. able to breath better now, not coffing as much, and getting more sleep than i have in weeks. On a good note.. had another chick hatched on the 11th, just before midnite. Another female, but this one has a problem. Seems there is another chick inside this chick.. she has a large lump on her bottom with whut looks like a nubbin sticking out of her underside.. this mite have been a double yolk egg and the ‘twin’ has absorbed inside this chick. Dont know if she’s gonna make it or not, can only pray and hope. If she does survive, which so far she’s doing fine, can only guess at what God’s plan for her is.. maybe not to be an egg-layer, but just a companion for me. She is so cute, even if she does have a problem walking around much.. she’s eating and drinking good and growing fast. here’s some pictures i took the day she hatched and a couple days ago.
this was right after hatching
and this was on Tuesday afternoon
isn’t she beautiful? her underside is all white, and top side is turnin a golden orange.. so haven’t figured out who her mother was yet.. her father, Freckles, is pleased as punch.. lol.. u should see him strut when i take his babies outside
hope ur having a great week! God Bless Always.
28 May 2005
Have a great Memorial Day!
As a Vietnam-era veteran, this weekend is special to me. I have a lot of anniversaries i celebrate this week, Memorial Day being just one of them. I hope everyone is safe and happy with their families and remember to pray for our troops still fighting for our freedoms overseas.
24 May 2005
I'm a gramma again!
ok ok so its not a human baby but its just as special! will find out in a month or so if its a hen or rooster.. but for now, its soooo cute!
going to name him/her "Little Rosie' after her mother, who died last week while sittin on a dozen eggs. I put her eggs under my other hen, Yeller, and so far 3 have hatched, but this is only survivor. The other two died when they hit the ground after Yeller pushed em outa the box.. Yeller is a first time mama, so she doesn't really know what to do with the eggs once they start peeping at her.. LOL.