Happy New Year everyone!!! Don’t forget to eat your
blackeye peas (for good luck), ham (for health), and
greens for MONEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! God Bless.
I hope everyone had a very merry Christmas!!! I spent the day with family and had a wonderful time.. hardly any fights this year! LOL.. I didn’t take too many pictures, i need a new camera (hint hint) but it was still a very enjoyable day. Had a few scary moments when some tornadoes touched down close to us while we were on the road, but everyone came thru unscathed. The sun came out and the day was beautiful in the afternoon. The Matriarch cooked a huge meal and it was fantastic! My nephew deep fried the turkey again and it was soooooo moist and delicious.. even the white meat which i usually dont eat cuz it’s too dry. My niece and i both have a birthday next month, so we were thinking of buying a sucklin pig about 20 lbs or so and having the nephew deep fry it.. should turn out great! *grinz*
I pray everyone has a fantastic New Year and don’t forget to eat ur black-eye peas and ham and greens.. for luck, health, and wealth! :) Good Luck and God Bless u all.
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I know it’s been over a month since i’ve posted anything here, but that’s what happens when nothing is happening in my life.. i wake up every day breathing and for that I am very thankful to God and Jesus!
I have some duck and chicken eggs in the incubator, no idea if any of them will hatch. Down to only 9 hens and only half of them are laying, and with two roosters after them, not sure if they are fertile or not. Am hoping that the ‘spotted’ eggs that have been fertilized by Yeller will hatch.. they’ll be orpington/rhode island and orpington/black sex link crosses, so they should make for some interesting biddies. *smile*. The duck eggs are crossed rhuen, black crested, and black canuga (sp?). Duke the male canuga finally figured out what he was born for (LOL) and so i get three eggs a day from Daisie, Dora, and Spider now. Jack hits em all 3 also, so they are double fertilized. laffin. I put them in the incubator on the 1st of Nov, so the next few days will tell if anything is going to hatch. Not supposed to mix duck and chicken eggs in same incubator but what the hell.. will take the egg turner out today and have to make a note to myself to move the duck eggs around for another week till they hatch.
Hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving. It’s a very poor month for the Lake City households this month, so it’s not going to be a huge dinner like usual, but will still be plenty and we’re all very grateful for surviving another year.
well Daisie and Dora have started laying finally.. only took a month of Jack humping them to get them ‘going’.. laffin. And Duke has finally figured out what he’s supposed to do, so hard to tell if the eggs from Dora and Daisie are fertile or not.. have never incubated any of the duck eggs, but with the younger girls starting to lay now and two drakes after em all day long, i might save up a dozen or so and put em in the incubator to see what happens. If any hatch, i can raise em for the dinner table!! or maybe sell em at the flea market.. just depends on how things go, if i get 2 or more to hatch, i’ll raise em to eat, less and i’ll sell em at the flea market. Takes 28 days for duck eggs to hatch, so will be a while before i know either way. In the meantime, here’s a pic of my babies.
ok found the newest pics i took.. enjoy!
Charlotte, ducks, Gracie & George goats.
Jack, Spider, Dora, Duke, and Daisie
Freckles, Yeller, Rosie, and other Girls.
Charlotte in ‘her’ pool.
Yeller struttin for his ‘ladies’.
well not much goin on this month.. spent too much on ebay again.. lol.. but got some great stuff, still waiting on some of it to arrive. My daughter turned 30!!!! hehehe.. but shhhh.. she’s still saying she’s 29.. laffin.
the ‘girls’ are doin good, and Charlotte is gittin to be more of a character.. if that is possible.. she loves the big pool that belongs to sister, and i keep it cleaned out every few days for when she has the boys over.. but the rest of the time it belongs to Charlotte and she lets everyone know it too!! she doesn’t allow any of the ducks into it.. she runs em off and makes em use the little pools. she’s so hilarious.
here she is.. i have some more with her in the pool, but now i cant find em.. it figures. lol.
till next time! hugggggggglez.
Rosie is finally laying her eggs in the nest box with the other girls now.. that’s the good news.. she’s so funny to watch when she lays.. she stands up.. opens her mouth like she’s gonna scream.. out pops the egg and then she jumps outa the nest.. and nothing.. she doesn’t ‘announce’ it like all the other girls do.. just goes on about her business.. lol.. she’s so cute.. am hoping she’ll pick one of the other boxes soon, lay some eggs and sit on them to hatch.. buffs make good mama’s, i’ve raised them before and they are good ‘sitters’.. Yeller has been popping her the last few days, so hopefully, her eggs are fertile now and i can save a few for the incubator.
now the bad news.. i have snakes living in my trailer!! eeeeeek.. i hate snakes! these monsters are about 5 feet long and caught one yesterday gettin an egg outa the nest.. he coffed it up when i spotted him and went back under the trailer.. ack.. have caught 2 others on the porch and threw em out in the woods, so i know this is a different one.. as large as they are.. there must be a lot more living under there.. so gross.. now i’m spooked about walking around in here, knowing there are those monsters living under my feet and in the walls! i thot for a long time all the slithering noises i had been hearing were mice.. but now i know its them damm snakes!!!!!! thinking of injecting some antifreeze or something inside a few eggs and leaving them in the nest for the bastards.. i know that will kill the buggers.. will piss my sister off but when it comes to snakes.. i dont want them in my house!!!! they belong in the woods and if they stayed there there’d be no problem! oh well, time will tell.
till next time. hugggggglez
here’s a pic of Yeller.. my newest rooster.. he’s a buff orpington.. Rosie is also a buff, bought her at the same time as him.. she’s laying eggs and didnt find her nest until today.. she’s laying by the chicken yard fence.. some of the eggs were broke, but managed to save 4 of them and tested them and they are all still good.
now to tell u something very strange, and u’ll think me a liar, but i swear on my life and God’s Bible that i am NOT making this up.. i saw it myself and if i hadn’t i’d think i was a liar !!! okay, enuff intrigue, here is what happened:.. i was up at my BIL’s to get the jeep to go to town and buy some supplies, when Yeller starts chasing after Spider.. u remember her.. the white duck my sister swore was a ‘male’.. but has been laying an egg a day for the last 3 weeks.. snicker.. anyway.. Yeller jumps on her and starts hosing her good!.. well at least he was trying to hose her!.. he tried twice before he gave up, and i was in such shock, all i could do was watch him! when he couldnt pop her cork, he decided to try and jump on the little ducks Daisie and Dora!!!!.. i got in the jeep and chased him so they could get away from him.. am still in shock and it happened yesterday (22 Aug)!!! Pore Yeller, the hens won’t give him any, so i guess he figured the ducks were fair game!!! LOL.. I just wish i’d had my camera with me when he done it so i could prove i aint lyin about it.. i’ve never heard of a chicken tryin to screw anything other than another chicken, so this was a first for me!
On a sad note, Lucy the turkey finally died. One leg was nearly rotted off, she could only flop around in one spot for the last month.. she had locked herself in a corner of the chicken house and i fed her thru the ‘crack’ in the walls. Buried her in the corner behind my trailer, so she’s happy now and running around like a young bird again.
that’s all the news that’s fit to print. see ya next time! God Bless ya and urs.
well has been a month and i still LOVE my new puter.. i just HATE WINDOWS!!! lol.. if it wasn’t for windoesnt, this beauty would never crash or screw up.. but.. as it is.. we have to live with certain facts.. windows doesnt work worth a $hit!!
all the chickens are doing fine.. Precious disappeared on me for a few days and found her behind sister’s house, exhausted and hungry.. Freckles spurs keep cuttin her real bad on her sides, so she was avoiding him over there.. Yeller is all grown up and tries to get his share of whoopie, but it’s the hens that run from him, not so much Freckles knocking him off em.. laffin.. it’s hilarious.. Spider has been laying eggs every day for the last 3 weeks and even laid a double-yolker ! i didnt know ducks laid double-yolk eggs. Jack gits a piece of her at least once a day, which drives Charlotte nutty!! Poor goose can’t get any, so she doesn’t want Spider to get any either!! laffin.. is so funny to watch her.
that’s pretty much it for the month. my oldest daughter turns 30 next month and she’s distressed about it.. laffin.. i jes keep tellin her, 30 is nothin, try being 50!! lol hugggglez and God Bless.
am sooooooooooooo happpppy!!!! my new toy works super!!! had to go pick it up at UPS cuz them idiots can never remember where the hell we are!.. lol.. been here since 52 and they have us on a ‘trainer’ route, which means we get a new driver every week and they never know what the addy is.. sigh.. oh well.. I GOT IT !!!!!
i absolutely loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee my new puter!!! and YES, the 1 gig memory stick FINALLY registers as the whole 1 gig!!! so wowwwwza is this bugger soooooo much faster now..AND.. i can have a doz progs running at once without running out of memory.. woooooohooooo! can ya tell how ecstatic i am?? lol.. am just sooooo tickled.. the temp guage in front is so neat.. i can watch the temp of my hd or monitor.. shows the fans running, hd activity (instead of just a light), power status and a clock! and yes, it makes a great nitelite for me when i go to bed at nite.. hehehehhe.. hope ya’ll have a great week! i sure am!!!!! lafffffin.. God Bless Ya!
yeeeehaw., finally bought a new computer!.. will be delivered on the 10th of July.. its a barebones 3.06 gig mb/chip, 450w ps, and a really pretty case! hehehe.. i’ve got all new parts to go in it, and hopefully my 1 gig memory chip will actually show as a gig now instead of 512 like this old piece of shit does now.. here’s a pic of my new system.. aint it kewwwwwl! and blue too, my favorite color.. lol..
has a digital temperature on the front that is adjustable without having to boot into the bios to check the temp etc.. and the bubble lites will act like a nitelite for me.. lol. sooo, i’m not gonna be online much till i get the new system and get all my drives and such put in it and get it booted up. Wish me luck! having had to deal with this piece of shit i’ve had for 3 yrs that has NEVER worked like it was sposed to, it will be such a pleasure to have a machine that actually works!! huggggglez, God Bless, and Happy 4th of July!
pix i took yesterday of my ‘girls’.. and the goats and Lucy the turkey.. who is not doin too well.. expect her to expire any day now.. she’s very sick but still has a good appetite and drinks a lot of water. Lucy’s lost over half her body weight and can’t walk anymore..
Click on each picture to see it full size have a great day!
A guy i was saving up eggs for to incubate came by a little while ago. while showing him around my ‘farm’ and seein the girls who will be mama’s to his babies.. his SO saw my babies i had in the big pen..and asked how much i wanted for them.. so i sold them!! she took every one of them.. and then she saw Sweetie in with Mr Nibbles and wanted her too! sooo.. all my babies are gone now.. is sooo quiet without them peeping *grin*.. she wanted one of my ducks too but Leonard said nooooooo to that idea.. laffin. Since i was raising the babies to be replacements for their mama’s, i sure hope the eggs i have in the incubator now all hatch! got 15 delaware eggs in there and hoping at least a doz of them hatch. and they for sure wont be sold!
i put some ‘rooster’ eggs in the incubator also, am gonna raise em to eat.. since i know what they eat, they’ll be nice and tender and no weird stuff fed to em. grin. by the time they are six months old, they are just the right size for broiling or frying. mmmmm gooood eatin!
that’s it for now, have a good week!
let’s see if this new font works.. kinda hard to read, may have to increase the size a bit
yeah that looks better! hugggggglez
ok, seems the archive function in my blogger account was messed up.. so turned it off, published page, fixed problem.. turned it back on, republished.. archives are now fixed and working and so are all my messages.. damm i hate computers!!!! LOL
found a really nice barebones system on ebay i’m gonna buy on the 30th.. 2.6 gig mb, 2 gig chip and fan, nice case included.. for only $150 including shipping.. not too bad of a deal.. comes with builtin sound and graphics but i have a new graphic card so will have to turn that off before i load it up first time.. got the new dvdr drives, new floppy, two harddrives, modem, etc.. just need a better mb. so hopefully, in little over 2 wks, i’ll have a newer, better working piece of $hit and throw this pos in the dumpster! *s* i’ll let ya know how it turns out.
Here’s a new pic of Charlotte. Turned the babies out in the big pen yesterday, and Charlotte is sooooooo jealous!!! I had to sit in the pen with them for a couple hours to keep her from attacking them all the time.. they were having a blast exploring their new larger space.. and fighting with the ducks over the corner of the fence! lol.. just gotta luv em!
i posted two updates in the last week and neither of them are showing on the page.. hmmm.. wonder what is going on here.. oh well, here we go again in a nutshell sotaspeak
only one egg hatched out of the last batch.. something killed them all when i took them out of the egg turner… arghhh.. so not a single aracuana chick, just one of my red mixes.. dammit.. oh well, will try again with the delaware eggs i got yesterday and see how they do. the 7 babies from 2 hatches ago are doing great, gonna turn em out to the big pen tomorrow.. let them run around the pen all day while the big girls are out, and then see how they do when their mama’s come in to roost at nite *s*.. should be fun.. lol
the 3 baby ducks are doin very well, i put them in the big pen last weekend cuz i needed the cage for the chicks.. they were driving Mr Nibbles nutty and wouldn’t let him eat, so he was losing too much weight.. just have the one baby in with him now and she doesn’t bother him much. anyway, back to the ducks, Jack still doesn’t acknowledge them as being part of his species so he hasn’t adopted them into his harem yet.. Spidergirl keeps chasin em so i think she knows they are females and she doesn’t want ANY competition from them!!! lol.. i named em Daisie, Ditzi, and Dora.. Dora was named by my g-nephew who i ‘gave’ her too.. since big brother Jake owns Spidergirl.
Charlotte is doing wonderful, she follows me around every time i go outside and really gets upset if i leave ‘the yard’.. lol.. she’s a real character.. i’m goin to try and find her a boyfriend soon so she can raise some babies of her own maybe. she’ll prolly start laying in another couple months, so will have goose eggs to eat !! yummm.. don’t know if they are as rich as duck and turkey eggs, but am assuming they are.
k well that’s it for this week. ya’ll have fun!
well the new graphic card i bought in march.. died on me.. kept crashing this stupid pos every 2 mins.. grrrrrr.. so took it back to office max and got a new one.. couldn’t find my receipt anywhere.. put in a ‘safe’ place and now can’t find where it is.. lol.. u know how that goes right? but they looked up on their computer and saw where i bought it, so no problem. sure glad i paid the extra 12 bucks for the 1 yr warranty now.. i’ll never buy another hardware piece from them without it!!
not much else goin on.. the baby chicks (7) are growing well and will be putting them out with the big girls prolly this weekend.. was gonna do it this weekend but Alberto blew thru with lots of rain (which we badly needed!!!!) and so kept em in the pen a little longer.. i did move them out of Mr Nibbles house though, he’s been losing weight cuz they won’t let him eat anything! lol.. so Sweetie is the only one in with him now, she’s just 1 wk old (yesterday), and not sure what to make of Mr Nibbles yet.. i hold and pet her a lot, gonna make her a pet.
that’s it for now, have a great week!
just a quick update that i hope i can get posted before this pocrapola computer crashes on me again.. has been a helluva week.
first, got my new dvdr drives this week.. and as soon as i installed them and booted up WinXPsux, windows ate itself.. grrrrrrr.. so had to format.. again.. and reinstall the pos program again.. i hate windows.. i think i’ll switch to linux . anyway, i accidently hit the cpu fan with my finger (BIGOUCHIE) and busted a couple blades off and so now the damm thing makes a hellacious racket and vibrates so much that the memory card gits loose and crashes this po$hit! I am sooooo fed up with this piece of $hit! but.. the good news is.. the drives work great! lol.. when i can keep this pos running that is. oh, did i fergit to mention i got the drives on Tuesday.. the 6/6/06th? yeah.. the devil did it alright!
Another good thing on Tuesday, one of my chicks hatched. A female, red mix, and doing great. Had a black chick trying to hatch yesterday, and never got out of the shell.. dammit. Don’t know why the black chicks all die before they finish hatching, or soon after. Is a mystery, but the black sex-link hens mixed with my rhode island rooster isn’t working too well. .sigh. well i still have 11 aracauna eggs due to hatch today.. so far nothing cheeping with them.. and about 1/2 doz of my rhodeisland crosses to hatch also. will let u know in the next few days what happens with them.
and that’s the news fit to print so far this week. and how has ur week been?
here’s a pic of the babies i took a few days ago.. they are growing so fast! Mr Nibbles loves to cuddle with them, and they are finally used to him and they hop all over him all day long, picking bugs off his fur and snuggling with him at nite.
have more eggs in the incubator, candled em yesterday and most of them seem to be fertile and making babies.. have 14 aracauna eggs i ordered from ebay in there this time.. i love aracauna chickens.. they are just the sweetest birds! and of course, they lay beautiful pastel colored eggs *smile*. I love Delaware chickens also, had a few in texas and one especially was such a pet! she’d sit on my lap every morning and eat her ‘snacks’ from me then she’d come in the house and eat cockroaches.. lol. and she was housebroke, never pooped on the floor! i want some more of the delaware breed, they lay awesome huge brown eggs. hopefully, i’ll get a rooster from the delawares or the aracuanas and can replace Freckles. He’s gotten sooooo mean, even tho i clipped his spurs.. he still attacks kids and people constantly and it’s very annoying.
On a personal note, thank you daughter for the Mother’s Day phone calls! I love you!! I was zonked out asleep when u called, which is why i didn’t answer the phone, but i sure appreciate ur calling sweetie!!!! I was in shock all week and I was so proud of you! Love you always, “Mom”.
Have a great week!
well i feel dumb.. laffin.. Charlotte is a brown chinese GOOSE, not a duck.. i could have sworn the lady at the feed store said she was a duck.. but maybe that’s just what i ‘heard’ and not what she said at all. oh well, anyway, Charlotte continues to grow.. she’s so funny.. she’s scared of the chickens and Jack the drake.. but she chases Spider girl duck all over the place.. harrasses her no end.. i told spider she’d regret chasing Charlotte when she was smaller.. lol.. i love my babies!
had 8 chicks hatch, but 7 are surviving. the one that died was a black chick and they picked on her so much, wouldn’t let her eat.. then she caught a cold and died pretty quickly, even tho i gave her medicine and all. sigh. But the other 7 are doing great, have moved them out with Mr Nibbles and he’s taking good care of them. He loves baby chickens, and has successfully raised over 2 doz of them.
well has been a few weeks.. the babies from my first hatch expired when they were a few days old.. i think they caught a cold from my grand-nephew.. cry. But, good news, is i have 7 babies so far from the 2nd hatching, and more still hatching, and they are all doing well. I’ll post pictures in a few days, after they git fuzzier *hehehe*.
Here’s a pic i just took a short while ago of Charlotte and Yeller the chick. They are growing so much every day. Charlotte still thinks she’s a chicken, and the chicks still think they are ducks.. they haven’t started socializing with the older birds at all yet, even though they are staying in the big pen with them at night now. Charlotte still follows me around everywhere i go outside, but she doesn’t let me pick her up as much as before. She is sooooo cute tho as u can see by the picture below. *grin*. Toodles and God Bless You.
well.. as for hatching eggs, all i can say it has been a few years since i did it, and you could call this first batch a moderate success. LOL. out of roughly 40 eggs, 8 hatched, but only 3 lived for more than 24 hrs. some died right after hatching, some died while they were trying to get out of their shells, and most died before they broke the shell. Not sure if it was the irregular temperature problem i was having or what.. but i’ll fix that with buying a temp regulator that will maintain the temp that its sposed to be without my having to adjust it.. as well as buying a forced air fan attachment.. that should help hatching also. Also gonna buy a real candler, so the lightbulb i was using doesn’t ‘fry’ the babies in the shell. anyway, the 3 babies that lived after 3 days.. died on the 5th day. I had let my nephew hold them the day before, not knowing he had a bad cold, and i guess they caught it and they all died quickly after that.
they were doing so well too. oh well, i’ll know better next time not to let anyone near them till they are at least a week old.
here’s a pic of Yeller II, Rosie II, and Charlotte the duck. I bought them from the feed store where i get my feed at now.. they hatch babies all year long. i bought these 3 the first week of march, charlotte a week later, and they are doing great, as you can see. Turned them ‘out’ today for the first time and they all had a blast. i think charlotte thinks she’s a chicken, or the chickens think they are ducks, cuz they stick together and don’t wander far from each other.. laffin. they were a joy to watch all day, discovering dirt and taking baths, chasing flies, eating grass (they mowed the lawn bigtime today! lol). They’ll be ready to put in the big pen soon with the big girls, soon as RosieII starts ‘roosting’.. Yeller roosts, but Rosie still sleeps on the bottom of the pen with Charlotte. Is hilarious, Charlotte tries to get on the roost with Yeller, and can’t figure out why she can’t.. laffin.
have a great week! Huggggggggglez.
well down to 11 chickens, freckles and 10 girls.. but all of them are laying, so i get an average of 8 eggs a day.. when the squirrels and snakes don’t get em.. grrrrrr
still have the two baby buff chicks and they are growing fast. bought a baby brown chinese duck, named her Charlotte.. she’s growing very well.. have all 3 in with Mr Nibbles and he snuggles em and cleans em and takes care of them.. he loves taking care of ‘babies’.. prolly a little odd for a rabbit to do that, but he’s a very good ‘father’.
Spider is growing rapidly.. turns out she’s a female, just like i thought and told my sister, but of course, she knows better.. LOL.. but she’s WRONG again. Goblin died on the 8th of April, no idea why, went out to their ‘pen’ that morning and he was stretched out and stiff, Spider along side him keeping him company i guess.. Spider was pretty upset all day, so I kept her in the house with me all day and night, and then put her outside on Sunday.. by Monday she had found “Jack” the mallard and has been following him around ever since. He protects her, takes her to all his feeding spots, and keeps the chickens from pecking her.. is so funny to watch the two of them together.. Jack finally has a girlfriend again, and he’s very happy.
None of the eggs i was trying to hatch worked out.. threw em in the woods for the snakes.. bought a real incubator on the 1st and put about 3 doz eggs in it.. hopefully this time next week i’ll have maybe half of them hatch! Will let you know, not sure they are going to do right, cuz i couldnt get the temperature set right for the first few days. I was using the thermometer from my aquarium because the one with the incubator was missing, and i’d have the aq therm at the right temp but the one for the incubator was showing 10 degrees lower, so by the time i got everything adjusted to the right temp, i don’t think the eggs are any good anymore.. oh well.. will find out in a week if any are going to hatch or not, and if not, will just start over with fresh eggs.
so that’s it for now. Happy Easter to everyone and hope you have a great finish to this month!
Well i have 9 eggs in a homemade incubator, and i candled em yesterday and looks like all of them are developing normally. so another two weeks and i should have chicks hatching. Bought a couple buff orpington chicks from a feed store i found out north of town, they hatch a bunch all the time out of their own incubator. I want to start raising aracaunas and delaware’s tho, so i have to order chicks from a hatchery online. will build an extension onto the existing chicken house and fence it off so that they don’t interbreed with the rhode islands and black rocks. *s*
My sister bought a couple duck babies at the flea market over the weekend, so now i have 4 babies i’m raising for the moment. Will be several months before they are big enough to join the rest of the flock.
Update on my girl that died and another i had to put down. Turns out it wasn’t any disease, it was anti-freeze poisoning! My brilliant brother-in-law drained some antifreeze out of my sister’s car and just left it on the ground.. so naturally, my chickens got under there and got enough to make two of them bad sick. A third, “gramma”, got a little of it, but she seems to be recovering. She had some vomit for a couple days, but no paralysis and lethargy like the other two, and she’s eating and drinking normally now. So some good news at least. But i’m down to just 11 girls and Freckles the rooster now.. until my chicks hatch and grow and the new chicks i’ll be ordering come in.
So that’s pretty much it for this week. May God Bless u and keep u safe.
not much goin on this week.. finally gittin my progs reinstalled after i had to replace the graphics card.. i found the receipt on the old one.. i bought it in nov 04, so i guess i got good use out of it.. laffin.. bought a one-year warranty on this new one, so maybe it will last 2 yrs.. grin
One of my hens died yesterday, she’d been real sick for several days, and finally just gave up. Buried her in one of my flower beds, will find something nice to plant over her. Had been giving all the girls regular meds to keep them free of bugs, but she apparently caught something else or a snake bit her.. hard to say. She had some bites on her chest, but hard to tell if they were ants or something else.
Gonna buy another incubator soon, had two of them in storage and the asses sold my stuff without notice to me, so lost em both. Paid about 200 for them plus the auto-egg turner i had for one of them. sigh, can’t afford to replace them both, will just git a small 3–egg incubator and see how it goes. In the meantime, will try and set up a styrofoam cooler as an incubator, i got instructions from online, a bit complicated but will just use a lightbulb instead of all the fancy stuff it calls for. With any luck , in 28 days i’ll have some baby chicks!
And how has your week been?