27 April 2009

That Pesky Obama Birth Certificate

The site http://americangrandjury.org/ explains the process and how to form a constitutionally acceptable Common Law Grand Jury, and bring presentments or indictments in any location in America and begin prosecuting corrupt government employees, at any level of government. No longer should they be referred to as officials or agents. They are our employees and if they do not want to respect that, they need to find a friendly third-world country to live in.

Mr. Carl Swensson of the State of Georgia successfully organized a Common Law Grand Jury, and that Grand Jury reviewed evidence against Barry Soetoro, AKA Barack Obama, and is recommending an indictment. The U.S. Attorney, who was presented with that recommendation, has refused to discuss it by saying, \"We only deal with lawyers.\" The Attorney General\'s office of the State of Georgia has also been presented with that recommendation and has also refused, saying, \"We don\'t represent citizens.\"

Everyone should call U.S. Federal Attorney David Nahmias at 404-581-6000 or fax him at 404-581-6181 and tell him to do his job. Every person should also call the State of Georgia Attorney General\'s office and ask Lilly Thomas why she thinks the Attorney General does not represent citizens and who do they represent. Her number is 404-656-3300.

On Mr. Swensson\'s website at www.RiseUpForAmerica.com, you can see the process he went through to organize a Common Law Grand Jury.

You will also find that Common Law Grand Juries in Kentucky, Indiana, and Ohio also have seen the evidence and are making a presentment to charge the illegal alien Barry Soetoro AKA Barack Obama. More Common Law Grand Juries across American are being scheduled as of this writing.

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