27 April 2009

That Pesky Obama Birth Certificate - Part II

Americans have wised up. It is only the major media that keeps pounding the drums of the Obama lie. Ask yourselves a question: Why are many of America\'s major newspapers that have been in business for over 100 years, filing for bankruptcy and closing every week? If you believe, as major news tell us, that the reason is lowered advertising revenue and more people getting their news from the Internet, you\'re hallucinating. The real reason is because Americans are thoroughly fed up with the lies, the slanders, the politically-correct brain vomit that major news pours out and their astounding absolute refusal to portray any semblance of the truth.

Nothing Obama does will continue. Everything he does will be retracted by a very near future administration.

One thing that is certain, of all that can be observed about the current Obama administration, corporate executive friends of Obama, and the American judicial system: Whether in the boardroom, the courtroom, or the bathroom, scum sticks together. When the scum is annoying enough, it is scrubbed, cleaned, and thrown in the trash. That\'s why people have cleansers and society has prisons.

World leaders are making a very dangerous mistake to think that we, the people of America, are not making preparations for cleaning house. This house belongs to us, not a gang of decrepit, senile old men, pursuing a useless fantasy of a New World Order that has a 2,000 year history of abject failure.

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